Have any of you heard the term somatotype? Otherwise known as body type. We have three basic body types: ectomorphs, mesomorphs and endomorphs . Each of these people, in order to be healthy and looking good, must have a different eating plan. Before I tell you more about the diet itself, let's take a closer look at the individual somatotypes.
Which type do you belong to?
An ectomorph is a slim person, usually tall, with long limbs and a long face. It is said to have an egg-shaped face and narrow hips, chest, and shoulders. A typical ectomorph has a strong predisposition for endurance sports . He can run long distances, marathons and mountain runs without any problems. It is also great for long-distance cycling and skating. Ectomorphs have big problems with gaining muscle mass which is a big downside, but the upside is that it also has difficulty accumulating body fat. If the ectomorph is overweight, it looks like he has put a ball under his shirt. Adipose tissue mainly builds up around the abdomen, with the arms and hands still thin. Personally, I call such people "cheated fat people" because they can lose weight very easily.
An endomorph is the complete opposite of an ectomorph. It is usually a stocky person with a strongly defined jaw. Even square head and very broad shoulders. It is also easy to recognize such a person by the fact that they have very thick joints. It gives her a predisposition to typically strength sports . It works well in weightlifting, powerlifting, two-fighters and all kinds of short distances on a bike. Endomorphs gain weight very quickly, both due to the ease of building muscle mass and the accumulation of body fat . For them, very strict nutrition rules are recommended to achieve a beach silhouette .
The last type of physique is the mesomorph . It is a combination of the best features of the two previous types. In other words, the perfect somatotype. His examples are our Robert Lewandowski, or Cristiano Ronaldo. Such people are predisposed to any type of sport . They easily gain muscle mass and have no problems with gaining too much fat. These are people with a round face with an outlined jaw and a V-shaped silhouette. Broad shoulders and a narrow waist are a dream of many men, but not everyone will be able to achieve it through genetics.
We have briefly characterized somatotypes. It should be noted, however, that in nature, nothing is so simple, because most often we are a mixture of individual body types. Pure meso, ecto or endomorphs are very rare. For each person, it is worth adjusting an individual diet . I will now provide guidelines that should be followed when composing your nutrition plan depending on what somatotype prevails in us.
Ectomorphs need much more carbohydrates to gain muscle mass because they use up energy quickly. Excess protein would additionally accelerate their metabolism and could cause a problem with gaining muscle mass. The most serious problem for such people is that they have to eat enormous amounts of food. It's good to have at least 3-4 large meals . Everyone should look like a two-course dinner. You need to calculate the caloric demand and add a minimum of 500 kcal surplus to it to start the process of building muscle mass.
Macronutrients should be at the level of:
- 2.2 to 2.5 g of protein / kg of body weight
- 0.66 to 1 g fat / kg body weight
- carbohydrates to supplement the caloric limit.
If such a distribution of macronutrients does not work, you can change them to 2 g of protein, from 1.85 to 2.25 g of fats and carbohydrates to supplement the limit. Workouts should be short and focused on strength. In the case of reducing body fat by ectomorphs, the proportion of macronutrients should be set at the level of 2.5-3 g of protein and 0.4-0.8 g of fats.
Dieta dla endomorfika, który pragnie zrzucić zbędne kilogramy przedstawia się w inny sposób. Osoba taka powinna jeść zdecydowanie częściej, lecz mniej. 5-6 niedużych posiłków. Sprawdzą się większe ilości białka, a mniejsze węglowodanów. Posiłki można podzielić na około treningowe oraz nie około treningowe. W tych pierwszych należy zjadać białko oraz węglowodany, w tych drugich białko i tłuszcze.
Poziom makroskładników powinien oscylować na poziomie:
- 2,5-3 g białka / kg masy ciała
- 30-35% kaloryczności pochodzącej z tłuszczów
- Uzupełnienie kalorii za pomocą węglowodanów
The easiest way to mesomorph with a diet is to balance the carbohydrate level with it. During massaging , the macronutrients should be set at the level of:
- 2-2.5 g of protein
- about 30% of calories from fats.
- supplementing calories with carbohydrates
However, when reducing a maximum of 3 g of protein and 35% of caloric value from fatty acids. Whether the weight will go up or down will largely depend on the caloric balance.
In any case, the most important thing is to have a clean diet and to skillfully calculate the caloric requirements. In addition, it is worth adjusting the training to a specific goal.Jennifer Blow jest naszym UKVRN Registered Associate Nutritionist - Brytyjskim rejestr kompetentnych i wykwalifikowanych specjalistów w dziedzinie żywienia. Ma tytuł Licencjata Nauk Ścisłych W Dziedzinie Nauk Żywieniowych i Magistra Nauk Ścisłych W Dziedzinie Badań Nad Odżywianiem, a obecnie specjalizuje się w stosowaniu suplementów sportowych dla zdrowia i sprawności fizycznej, popartych badaniami opartymi na dowodach naukowych.
Jennifer była cytowana lub wymieniana jako dietetyk w najważniejszych publikacjach internetowych, w tym w Vogue, Elle i Grazia, za jej wiedzę z zakresu nauk żywieniowych dla ćwiczeń i zdrowego trybu życia.
Jej szerokie doświadczenie obejmuje pracę z NHS na próbach interwencji dietetycznych, po konkretne badania naukowe nad suplementacją kwasów tłuszczowych omega-3, a także wpływ fast foodów na zdrowie, które przedstawiła w corocznej Konferencji Nutrition Society. Jennifer bierze udział w wielu wydarzeniach związanych z rozwojem zawodowym, aby zapewnić, że jej wiedza i praktyka pozostaje na najwyższym poziomie. Dowiedz się więcej o doświadczeniu Jennifer tutaj.
W wolnym czasie Jennifer uwielbia wędrówki po wzgórzach i jazdę na rowerze, a w swoich postach uwielbia udowodniać, że zdrowe odżywianie nie oznacza głodu przez całe życie.