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Somatotypy | Dobierz trening do Twojego typu sylwetki

Somatotypy | Dobierz trening do Twojego typu sylwetki
Aleksandra Wianecka
Autor i ekspert7 lat Ago
Wyświetl profil Aleksandra Wianecka

Somatotypes | Choose training according to your body type

Sometimes people ask at the gym how it is possible that by doing the same training and having the same diet, one person will lose weight and the other will gain weight. Just as everyone likes something else to eat, everyone will react differently to this food. The same applies to training, which should be matched to your own body type. Some will respond better to more repetitions and lighter weight, others will be better affected by a greater amount of protein in the diet, and still others a large amount of aerobic training can even prevent you from fighting for your dream figure.

There are 3 main body types, the so-called somatotypes. However, it is worth remembering that there are often mixed types. However, we will focus on three basic ones: ectomorphic, mesomorphic and endomorphic structures. Each of these silhouettes will need a different food and a different type of training. Why is choosing a training and diet for your body type so important? Let's take a closer look at these three somatotypes.


1 Some of us put on weight very reluctantly, and it may even turn out that in order to gain even a little muscle mass they will have to eat a lot - it will be a person with an extremely fast metabolism -


They are usually tall, thin and small people. Their structure is characterized by a small circumference of the bones. On the one hand, it's good, because such people have a faster metabolism than others, unhealthy eating will not cause such rapid weight gain as in other types, but it is much harder for them to build muscle mass. If someone wants to build a figure, they will certainly have to focus especially on eating, but also be careful because with this type of build sometimes there is the so-called "skinny fat" effect, because despite the fact that you can not see fat, it does not mean that that he is not there.

Training with this type of figure should be based on strength training with a high load, but you need to watch your diet so that you do not eat too little. During a break from exercise, muscles that were visible earlier atrophy faster than in the case of mesomorphs and endomorphs.

A product worth buying is, for example, Gainer, which you can get here:


2 A person with a slow metabolism will store fat much faster by eating much less and even a small amount of unhealthy food will have an effect on their appearance - it will be


This type of somatotype will be the most difficult: thicker bones, slower metabolism ... In these people, fat is deposited inside (=


) of the body, around internal organs, most often the abdomen. They are also more likely to fall victim to the yo-yo effect and are much more likely to suffer from diabetes and heart disease. Strength and heavy load training will be good for this type of figure, but if you want to lose fat, you will need to focus on diet and systematic training with the addition of more cardio. The best solution would be intervals that stimulate the metabolism even more. However, achieving your dream figure is not impossible, on the contrary. Endomorphs can show that everything is in the head, you just have to want it hard, and one of the most famous endomorphs is Vin Diesel!

A product that is worth buying is, for example, a thermogenic, which you can get here:


3 A muscular person with a low level of fat will have the last somatotype, it will be



In women, the silhouette is then hourglass-shaped, and in men it is more rectangular. Such a person, wanting to maintain their dream figure, should follow a diet based on protein and carbohydrates. This type of figure is the best because, by keeping the proportions, it is easier and faster for us to get the shape we want, regeneration is much faster, and during training you can allow yourself to be more intense without worrying about overtraining as in other cases. This type is predisposed to various sports, but mainly to develop a large muscle mass with regular training. 

A product worth buying is, for example, Protein isolate, which you can get here:

What is most important, however, is that we rarely deal with one somatotype, usually they are mixed types.

People who already have some experience in this industry will find it easier to guess what a given person needs and there is a much greater chance that they will find a perfectly matched diet for you right away.

Aleksandra Wianecka
Autor i ekspert
Wyświetl profil Aleksandra Wianecka
Aleksandra Wianecka studentka filologii angielskiej i studiów menedżersko-prawnych. Z zamiłowania jest trenerką personlaną. Doświadczenie zdobywała na certyfikowanych kursach u specjalistów z całego kraju. Aktualnie pracuje jako doradca żywieniowy. Pisywała dla portalu Obecnie jednak jej artykuły znlażć możecie na naszym oraz jej osobistym blogu Aleksandra uwielbia podróże, kocha góry i ma ślabość do pysznego jedzenia. swoją pasję do jedzenia łącz z byciem fit, towrząc dietetyczne odpowiedni słodyczy i klasycznych przepisow kulinarnych. Więcej o Aleksanrze dowiecie się z jej social media: